Hi again!
I had originally planned this series for another blog, however it didn't really take off the way I had hoped. So, I am re-vamping it a bit and posting it here instead.
The photographic process is one that fascinates me inside and out. I don't think one can ever understand too much about the process; whether you are a photographer, a model, a bride-to-be or someone who appreciates art. There are no secrets here and the more everybody involved understands the process the better the photographs will be.
Again, this series is not just for photographers and I welcome input from others on what they feel is important. This series is mostly my opinion and therefore subject to flaw, but I think there's a lot that can be gained by simply thinking about the process and what is important. Ultimately it should be the images and the emotion they evoke that is important (hence the reason I chose the name "emotions Photography").
This is basically a top 10 list, we'll be starting at 10 and working up to 1. It is as follows and subject to change:
#10) Brand names
#9) The camera
#8) The lens
#7) The media
#6) Computer & Software
#5) Printing the pictures
#4) Knowing your equipment#3) Composition
#2) Light
#1) Subject & Intent
I hope you all will follow along and provide your input. If nothing else, just putting this down in word form helps me to understand my photography better and I hope it will make you think about your images, whether you take them or you are a part of them!